Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Is there an app...

Is there an app that I can use as below:

I take a picture of the menu at a Resto, and my phone detects words- links it to my app say seafood watch, and it tells me which ones I should not be eating? 

Can some one take on an app development to rate restaurants not just how good they are, but also how recyclable and environmentally friendly.  Zero waste app. 
From where the food comes from, how it's packaged, how much packaging is disposed, how much food is thrown away during cooking, after serving the food that is left behind still good eg. Bakery's and supermarkets  , what they do with the good food, and if they delivery what kind of takeaway box do they use? 
This could tie in with open rice / yelp, restaurant rating app and also deliveries app, to set a standard for responsibility of created waste. 

Is there an app that can integrate multiple apps together? 

On that note: how are beauty product companies getting away with so much created waste problems. What do customers do with those bottles and containers after the products is emptied or just thrown out? Who's responsible for that rubbish? 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

What is Sustainability?

"Emma Watson Changing the world one dress at a time" -CNN

News Flash on Sustainability :  Wow! We can use recyclable materials to make clothing! Thanks to Emma Watson's dress worn to Met Gala, an astounding attention is drawn to the fact that an amazing dress can be made from recycle materials and organically grown cotton and silk.  Kudos to Emma for taking the big step to wear this dress and make it a point.

puppet or not, wow sustainable clothing, yeah!

lets be honest here, since my kindergarten days we were taught and reminded about the 3 Rs, its been a "few" years, and yet it is not until now "sustainability" has become a real issue. all these terms we are using, "eco-friendly", "sustainability", "green", "reduce, reuse, recycle" , etc.

Yes our world is dying, we all know that. we've all know for quite some time, ice caps are melting, the world is going to be flooded, deforestation, animals are going extinct, thats why we have endangered species, global warming, over fishing, the list goes on.
But hey, out of mind out of sight.

Technology is improving and we are developing and thus we need more resources. or we can use technology to make more resources.  we can't slow down one second to consider the impact of our daily lives affecting earth, i mean we are just one person.  how much energy do i really use, ac, fan, tv, computer, laptop, car, print paper, tissues, water use, etc. (me x my family (some wasteful, some more resourceful, give or take) x number of people in my state/ country) oh thats too much maths, ah forget about it.

Let's create photovoltaic panels to make "renewable" energy and be like plants collecting energy from the sun. oh, but its so expensive, and only more efficient and cost effective in the long run. I'll probably have gone "interstellar" or on jupiter before I see the rewards. and no, creating PV doesn't require more natural resources or generates more toxins into Mother Nature.

Let's reduce our carbon foot print! But someone decided that it would a a great idea, for someone in a foreign country to peel our oranges, pack them up, courier to us, sell to us while it's still fresh, let us have the option to choose, all within the limited time, then throw away the ones we don't want. all for a peeled orange.

Sustainability cannot just about saving the environment by means reusing used products, recycling our waste, separating and reducing our trash, using renewable energy. We could be less materialistic, and design / buy products that "last" longer....

wait, there was a time before excessive mass production and assembly lines, where products were designed to last, and sometimes "forever".  those products were sustainable, designed for wear and tear.  But then one day some genius probably met his new friends "Greed" and "Sales" and decided to reduce lifespan of products, deteriorated quality to meet demand and urgency for their friend "Want".  So we buy, and we spend, each time for something new and improved, for something that will break, fade in color, scratched, or become outdate within a few days, weeks, months, and years (if you are lucky). Theres' so many version and no guarantees, but they're cheap, "Made in China", and if it breaks, just buy a new one, everything is disposable anyway.

...if products lasted too long, we will be out of fashion, outdated, and no more retail therapy?! where would we spend our money, where would sales get income, and how would corporations survive, less retail less demand for shops real estate, lower rent, landlord get less income, multi national monopolies would not be able to sustain themselves, shops can sell products, orders are reduced, companies close, factories close, the basis for GDP will fall, and in the long wrong global economy fall and plateau...  and social standards change, which leads to the problem of invisible money theory, and bubbles bursting; but thats something else.

So is our society and the economy ready for "sustainability"? Or is it just "trend" of acknowledgment? How far are we willing to take on "sustainability" or How much effort are we willing to put into being sustainable?   can't do much about it / denial / don't know where to start/ its too expensive/? ... excuses after excuses...

if sustainability means to not waste, and reuse, it will require hoarding skills. does keeping everything, not throwing away, (not doing much with it either) means that we are being sustainable?

To what extreme do we consider our new or old ways of being "Sustainable" acceptable in the current day's social and economy trend ? What is sustainability?